I'd choose pancakes. I like pancakes but feel waffles and french toast fill similar roles, so would miss them the least.
Also how has nobody listed Anakin's virgin birth as one of the stupidest things in the prequels?
You are all welcome to join me in my own personal head canon of what is going on with the midiclorians. They don't produce the force, or anything...
Honostly of those options I'm take the cash. Young forever and breathe in the sea don't much interest me. And time travel is much to dangerous...
Yes, LoSaT can be used by any starborne army, with no further requirements.
Just realized isn't prized sorcery part of the GH2021? I guess they could be planning not to add it as part of 2022. Still odd to release...
You can't deepstrike without a Slann. I'd run it as Thunder Lizard. Giving the bastilidon the +1 to-hit buff from the skink priest, and then...
Maybe the person making the Astromatrix grand strategy was confused, like I was until I just looked it up, and thought prized sorcery required you...
I think I'll probably run Thunderquake at least some of the time. I tend to like to run 3 monster heroes (scar-vet, EotG, and Skink Chief), which...
Also +1 if you use the asterism of the Great Drake for a total of 7 jaw attacks.
I thought knights had movement 7, and have been playing it that way for I don't know how long. :(
Teach the controversy!
Not much today, as I'm still dealing with a health issue that makes sitting at a table for any real length of time difficult, but did go by the...
The Arctic isn't a continent. In fact there isn't land there, it is just ice on the ocean.
I now want to use those guys for a blood bowl team, or something like that.
I looked in the app and it is 150 points. Its melee profile is similar to a fellwater troggoth's, and it gets the d3 heal on a 4+, but it appears...
Thanks for the feedback. I've just about got my Seraphon force to were I want it, with regards to options, and have always liked trolls, going...
I've thought about staying a Troggoth army, just because it seems fun. Is it fun to play? And if you don't mind me asking, what do you run?
The dream.