It doesn't have to kill to ruin a monster's day. Most things lose a lot of power at the half bracket level. And yes, you can use a command point...
I'm surprised it's damage rule exists, but I do get your point.
Unless it gets multiple shots, which makes it more reliable, and makes the potential damage spikes higher.
So how long until they realize that is actually a lynx kitty or something like that?
That seems odd, why add the verticle/horizontal split to just one army.
It just occurred to me that most of the core battalions can't be used by SoB because they don't have anything that qualifies as a sub-commander....
Maybe reintroduce them, but they pull from the same set of abilities that the core battalions use, just in army appropriate combinations to get them.
Hopefully they keep it simple, because I do like the fluffyness of different armies having different battalions. But power creep is so easy if...
That is concerning, as they were very unbalanced between factions before.
I'd like the carnasaur claws to get rend 1 and the jaws rend 2 with a real 3+ to hit as a starting point.
It is a fledgling Discworld!
All my Seraphon are related to sightless lizards, no need to paint eyes!
I'm really happy with how this turned out, so figured I'd use it as the first picture of something I painted to post on the forums. [ATTACH]
Each Slann can only sacrifice one spell for d3 ccp. Is that what you are thinking about? It is part of the current Seraphon book.
I've started painting my realm shaper engine. I've also started regretting choosing the overgrown version, because man this is a pain. :p
So far I have painted my Slann's extra wounds. Here soon I'm going to my FLGS to get some paint, and then start on my bastilidon.
Part of the problem with things like sleeping with the Cheetahs is it only has to go wrong once for it to be a horrible idea.
Yup, 25 mm, the size of a skink base is less then an inch. I think it is around 0.97 or 0.98 inches, so if the bases are in contact they can be...
I'm not sure I would say bad, I'd just say of very limited use. But if it adds to his points as something really useful then it becomes bad.
True. Also running at the screen makes you go forward faster. I know it works because I did it in a racing game years ago against my best friend...