As Christopher said they do not have the priest keyword, so do not get prayers. And the utility of two EOTG is limited because you only get to...
Unfortunately no. It does not have the priest keyword, which is what is needed to get prayers.
Just don't put the lime in the coconut and drink them both up.
I'm afraid you are right, but I too hope they are under 400 points. I could completely see myself using the second one as an ally.
When I was younger the answer was yes.
I'm sure beasrmen will be playable in ToW, and have a low performing book, as they always do.
I primed 4 Saurus Guards, 4 Kroxigors, a bastilidon, a carnasaur, and the realm shaper engine. I made a copy of the score sheet from the...
I like the Engine, but two doesn't get you much, as you only get to activate one during the shooting phase, then can only use the command ability...
Nope. Nope nope.
They are both wrong, it is obviously Cube Puth.
Thanks, I thought maybe I was missing something, but I guess not.
Looking at the battalion roles the artillery role doesn't appear to exclude leaders, so am I right in thinking I can stick the engine of the gods...
I think the Krewl Boyz look great, but I have no interest on spending the money on a new army right now.
Ah, ok, thanks. I don't really follow them, just noticed they were in the General's Handbook 2020 yesterday, when I was looking through it...
I was just looking through the Pitched Battles Profiles 2021 and I noticed that the legacy units are all gone. Has GW said anything about this,...
Maybe, but at least some of those are funny. :p
Lizard Necrons ... I never knew how much I needed this in my life.
My FLGS has a bunch of 12 inch circles made of the same stuff as the game mats, and I can't imagine playing any other way any more. The ease of...