Seems nice. I'll try it when i'll have more razordon and salamander ^^
So, it seems that we have some love with Bloodblow.
Same for me, it's always reassure
That's nice. I look into it. What do you think about a list around the sunclaw starhost or the firelance starhost ?
Hey mates ! I would like to know if you have any ideas for a nice 1k army that don't use the shadow strike, and optionally, don't rest on massive...
I don't know if you saw the new erreta. We don't have our Bloodclaw Starhost and Heavenswatch Starhost anymore
So far for me, I use a shadowstrike list. I tend to use Cogs + Balewind to stack points, a lot. And I use them to summon different thing. In my...
Hi everyone ! I preorder mi copy of the general handbook, but unfortunately, I'll don't have it until next week. But I'm very curious about the...
Great ! I can totaly do french if you want :D
That's great ! I saw that you did some in Spanish too, any plan for other languages ? (I haven't any problem with English, but my friends have:) )
You can trade as much spells as you have, so 4 on a balewind is totally correct. And there is no more reinforcement point. You pay your summoning...
Same here ! I have to update my paintblog, because already did some paint job. And with this battleforce, a lot more paint will be done.
You can use this : Or the general handbook.
Haha, I love this comparison !
Yes, the toad is treated like a neutral. So he stay all the game.
As it said, the longer the better :p
Woooooow, it's impressive ! I love it ! All the details are very well done. We could think that it is a real house :D Really good job here !
That was my interpretation too, and my opponent agree with me. And I'm glad that I have the same thought about it than others.
I'll take the opportunity to ask. If you teleport a unit twice, if the first try is a fail, and the second try is a big success (5,6), can you...
IIRC, yes you can .