Of course ! But I'll wait to be home for that ! ;)
He is taking all your speed by some obscure rituals !
That's incredible !! I love it. I have to read it again several time to analyse it more :D
No it can't. A unit can be part of only one battalion.
I don't think this list would work. The saurus warriors and knights won't do much. Same for the skinks, too small block. I think that you have to...
I can't disagree with you !
I used my rippers to take out the engine mortis because of the battalion. The necromancer was hidden behind some skeletons so I couldn't take it...
Yes, really well. I was gladly surprised that I succeed to use it somewhat correctly (I'm not that good yet :p ). But legion of Nagash is a real...
I like the summoning, because with the BW and the COGS, I summon an Engine turn 2, and for a 1k list, it's a huge impact. So, in these games, I...
So I played 2 games yesterday and choose for both games the list that @Crowsfoot tell me. I loose the first one, it was against a legion of...
I only have one sallie ^^ And I don't have any razordon yet. So that's why he can't put any in a list made for me :D
Thanks for the list and the link. I read a little this thread, but I wanted to make one with the list of my current model, as I can't buy other...
For the battalion you want to use, there is an excellent thread giving good advice on each battalion. You want to look at it. It's really helpful.
I'll keep that in mind :D
I can try it too. I think that we'll do more than one match, we are 6 players. The others play, Sylvaneth, Skaven, Death, Slave to Darkness,...
Of course it's helpful ! Thanks for this ! I think that I'll try with this one. For me, every ideas, advice are helpful. Because, nobody is...
Hi mates, This weekend, I'll play some games and we decide to play with 1K list. We won't use the realms rules but we can use endless spell. So...
That's absolutely right ! Miss this one :D
Do you have the link please ?
And your tutorial is gold ! You buy a start collecting box, then you go read this tutorial and you have a really good base for your army !