I really like that kind of spell. How I see it, it's that you have to think about its trajectory when you cast it if you don't want the spell pass...
I hope it is true, but sooner :D Totally agree here !
Yeah, no big chance, just the tie or I missing something ?
Agree with you @Aginor
Where did you see that ? EDIT : I found it, in the response of a comment.
I'm afraid of the second possibility.
It seems that we'll have almost all order faction, but not Seraphon. I don't know if we'll have something for us :/
Yes, indeed. But that another question. I don't think that you can stop selling the ghb17 because the new edition is near, because, it's not here...
Every colour you like and you want. :D I think all colour is good, I have some orange, blue, red, green, gray, white, purple (you can look at my...
That's a great news. So, maybe it was an honest mistake.
I hope for you that there is another shop for you where you can trust the owner !
I just read a little more about the Seraphon, and I would love to see this 2 monsters become units for us :D
I don't know all of yours models, but I my experiences, points arrived faster than that I imagined.
It's the number of drops that you have to do to deploy your army. For example, if you have a list like that : Slann starmaster Eternity warden...
Yeah, I really like it too. It show us that Sigmar is not so great and awesome, that he is cruel too.
Really nice job here !
I know the feeling. My friend play skaven too and they have too much mortal wounds. I'm particularly afraid of the Warp-fire throwers. With your...
So, yeah, it's pretty normal for you neighbour :D
So, you know a lot of alcoholic ? ;) (I drink while playing too :D)
I choose Itza for my slann, because at the moment, he is my only slann, and so he is my first slann :)