Thanks mate ! I have to put my salamander and my ripperdactyl riders too. And I'm starting a bastildaon :D
I have the same interpretation than you. This story show that we have enough of the SCE already ! :D
Death is the right choice ! :D
I play a little like that. When I have the choice, I look if my opponent can deal some damages if I let him start. And for the moment, it's...
Hello there brothers seraphon ! I was wondering if you prefer (when you have the possibility) to take the 1st turn or to let it to your adverser ?
We have some nice stuff. But it seems like more teaser for what to come for me.
There is news on the site finally !
Still nothing new for me. What is the use of a countdown if nothing change after the timer reach 00?
I sooo agree with you ! I'm so disappointed ! I was like, 3,2,1, ...., nothing :(
Can't wait to read it and hear it :D
I agree with what you said. Personally, I play a lot with Saurus Guard and the Eternity Warden (mandatory if you play Saurus Guard). And, my only...
Thanks, it's a good post and give me some stuff to think for my next game !
Ah-ah, I don't have enough money to do that for now. I have to go slowly. :D
Seems very good ! But I don't have all the stuff for that ... for the moment. ;) I have to buy more and, I do it, little by little ^^
I agree with everything you said. But, I have to play with the army I have. And for now, I have buying the figurine that I want to play and to...
Yeah, I know. It is the next one on my list.
That what I thought ! So, I have to buy one :D
Thanks, but as I said, I had more points, we choose our army based on our wounds. And when we finished the game, I looked at our points, and I saw...
It was a small game. I used some ripperdactyl riders, slann starmaster, skink priest, skink starpriest, 3*5 saurus guards, eternity warden,...