Hi guys! Small update on the carnosaur. oldblood and throne are done but I'm having trouble sticking the little bastard on it. Here's the...
Hi Guys! Some advancement on my Seraphon army :) I'm back home where all my basing stuff is so I based all my knights and my astrob bearer....
Hey Guys! New quarantine update, I finished painting my Astrolith bearer. I took my time with it and It's probly one of my best minis. Enjoy!...
A bit of both, I sanded the inside of the saddle part to be closer to the drakespawn body (dem cold ones have some huge booty) and added some...
Hey guys! Finally finished painting my knights unit :), have some pics! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hey guys! In the end I decided to go for the blue one. I've finished choosing the colors and painted that one model to a standard I'm happy with....
Hey Guys! finished converting my drakespawns to cold ones, currently trying to decide on a color scheme for them. I think I prefer the purple and...
Follow up question, what weapon should I give my old blood on foot? should I magnetize that one?
Thanks for the advice! Yeah I dont even know if its possible, never built them before. Was just wondering. I agree that the Bolas look cooler...
Hi guys! I'm currently building the seraphon battleforce to take a break from converting my drakespawns to cold ones. I'm not to sure how to...
Hi guys! little update from quarantine. I painted the riders while in the process of converting the drakespawns to cold ones. I really like the...
Hi guys! Long time no see. After a break and a cross country move I'm finally getting back to my army! (new battletome is hyping me up as well...
Thank you! And you're exactly right, it was indeed greenstuffworld :)
Hey guys! Thanks for the great comments :) really appreciate it! I have finally finished my saurus warriors. I tried going for some aztec...
Hi guys! Some update on my Saurus warriors. I've finished the shields, stardrake icon and all the shoulder pads I wanted to add (to the alpha,...
Thanks guys! For my white areas, I'd say patience ans glazes. I went for a vallejo wolf grey undercoat. Then put a wash that was a mix of nuln...
Hey guys! Thanks for all the nice comments :) Back from a 2 week holiday, I went back on the paint grind ^_^! I've painted the soldiers up to...
Hey guys! So I've decided to settle on the green and white theme. I've made 2 other saurus that I've taken up to the standard I'd like the rest...
I now need to find a color scheme for the army. I've done a fair bit of research and boiled it down to 3 color schemes I liked and quickly painted...
So I've now picked up building the army again. I've decided to tackle the warriors and was a little aprehensive as they were part of the reason I...