Two more honorable mentions. Lord of Darkness (Legend) - Tim Curry is great in this role! The make up is fantastic and he is so over-the-top that...
Thanks for pointing that out. I've edited my post to change that and correct a few typos I noticed.
Good topic. Obviously, my picks are probably less about the "best" villain and ones that I like based on the movies I like. There are lots of...
Sorry to hear about your family emergency. I hope they get the care they need and you make it home safely.
I'm sure the behavior of a "flash"y actor and a court scandal with the main villain actor didn't help. Personally, the movies just didn't charm me...
Sure. Release the Kraken! Or at least another topic where I can waffle on my answers while "overusing" quotes or parentheses comments (to maximum...
Ugh... Another remake? This time of a series of very popular movies that is still very recent (at least to my mind).
I agree. I think this all just internet hype. I wish Lucas hadn't sold it, but I don't think he could (or would) buy it back (even if it were...
Really cool model, but I'm not sure about the cape/kilt/skirt.
These are good points. I hate to agree, only because I would like to have another strong SW movie/series. Or at least have the SW feel strong and...
Apparently, there are rumors swirling around the interwebs that Disney might be selling Star Wars. Naturally, there's a connected rumor that...
Yes, I'm not quite sure why GW made the Ripperdactyl Chief's and Terradon Chief's command abilities only once per battle. Especially the Terradon...
I know every new tome gets "cookie cutter" lists as players test them out, but one of my concerns is that there isn't much else worth taking on...
Honestly, only 10-20. But I have run lists where I try a big block of 30. So, I could do it, I'm just cheap. :p
Agreed. Like I said, I never got an Astrolith Bearer, so I might plunder eBay. The Warriors are good enough that I toyed with replacing at least...
Yeah. Ouch! I was looking forward to the new Standard/Astrolith Bearer since I don't have one. Plus, the Warriors are really cool looking. Now,...
Yes, this was also true in our previous book, I believe. He could activate run and charge with kills from his gauntlet. They just so rarely...
A Battle Shock battle report featuring Seraphon (Koatl's) vs. OBR (Petrifex). [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
New Stormcast? :p
Yeah, it was definitely a (multi-million dollar) misstep. Oh well, on to the next Disney fumble... :rolleyes: