I think Starborne lists could definitely struggle with Vampires, like in the Battleshock video. If you don't magically kill that Zombie Dragon in...
Maybe this response is better made in the Star Wars thread? But this is where I saw this news. I just think the set up for this hotel experience...
Tabletop Tactics battle report. Seraphon (Starborne) vs. Nighthaunt (Emerald Host) [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Battleshock Wargaming battle report. Seraphon (Starborne) vs. SBGL (Legion of Blood). Nicely painted armies. [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
I did a bit of quick "interwebbing" and I found out that it is indeed a real building. It's an office building for Chinese company NetDragon...
No worries. Either way, it's a cool image. :)
I'm trying to figure out if this pic is edited in Photoshop or if it's an actual building? Do you know @NIGHTBRINGER?
I'm going to go out on a very spiny limb and say Tyranid. ;)
It looks like the model is "generic" enough to be used in fantasy, and not just BB. With it being resin, I guess you could try to drill the left...
Ha ha. They're putting mail in the AT-AT's butt.
Yes, it's nice to see a post from you! :)
May the 4th be with you.
I would guess still boltspitters. The rend on javelins is nice, but with just 1 Attack at 4+/5+ for either weapon now, we aren't taking Skinks for...
I must confess, I was underwhelmed by the TOW announcements as well. I guess it's just taking a while to (re)build the Bret & TK ranges, but I...
I waffled and built mine with one corner "new" and one corner "old." That way, I can turn it to pick a style.
Season of War has an interesting Seraphon (Starborne) vs. Tzeentch battle. Spoiler; Seraphon lose, but it was close.
The Tyranid models do look really cool. The Screamer-Killer is nice. I'm not a fan of the Warcry Ghouls, but I do like that alternate Realmshaper...
Agreed. I'm not sure how much it will do against SBGL either. A lot of ward saves. Lots of regeneration. Lots of returning minis. Probably some...
From a Lizardmen perspective, I think TOW would be a great opportunity for GW to flesh out the Southlands a bit more.