Welcome to Lustria!
Nice work!
I am kinda burned out of Warhammer (momentarily) and very busy. Playing other stuff (D&D and PC games) in the few hours of free time I have. Still...
That's weird, to my wife and me the AT-ST episode is one of the high points of the series. But hey, different tastes I guess. :) I do agree with...
Goooood! :)
To be honest a sea leopard is already terrifying enough, on several levels.
Sorry but that is confirmation bias at its best. There is absolutely no proof for pretty much everything you wrote. The premises are wrong, the...
I am too lazy to order them. There are so many characters or character ideas (sometimes the execution was bad) in Star Wars that I like. IMO Star...
Agree that it depends greatly on what you want. I will go for versatility and non-evil behaviour on an exploration voyage Rey (tempted to take...
8. Possibly 9 depending on what counts as a celebrity.
Thanks! Also reminds me of continuing this thread. :)
Welcome to Lustria! Basically what @Erta Wanderer said. You have a few options depending on play style.
If only the clear resin didn't stink so much.
Cool idea. No clue how to achieve that though.
My wife has painted her Dryads in a similar style. Really quick and easy!