They can. Otherwise game balance would be severely affected. Some lists basically require a certain endless spell, so opponent armies would take...
It is the same for endless spells and bound endless spells. Both of you can cast the spell.
Welcome to Lustria! Looking forward to seeing your models. :)
Hmmm your models are quite a mixed bag. I don't see how those could hold up in a competitive environment but I guess you are trying to find out...
I really like cats but those creep even me out. Sure, they are as nice and friendly and playful and intelligent and affectionate as other cats,...
Welcome to Lustria!
Sure remember him. As you said, the message was good. It was cheesy though.
I dig the chameleons!
Yep, it increases up to approximately 23 years. Peak assholery is reached at that point for most people and then slowly declines or at least...
As annoying as she is, I see the benefit there. Obviously we needed someone like her. Scientists have been telling everyone about the facts for at...
Welcome to Lustria! I think @LizardWizard's idea is good and will save some money. Otherwise Necron and Tau parts from 40k are the way to go. Or...
Yeah, but I looked at the graphics and gameplay in videos and.... going from TWW2 back to that game feels like a trip to the stone age for me....
It is the first TW game I played (except TWW1 which is mostly the same) so I cannot tell. What I can tell: - I am comparatively bad at this game -...
I am really enjoying the game so far. Right now playing a Vampire Counts campaign, mostly fighting Dwarves. Will get back to Lizards after that...
Same here. Only exception as far as I remember right now being Alien vs. Predator.
Welcome back!
Yeah indeed. She's the boss in Scotland, he is it for the whole thing.