In my first game I was able to delete a Demon Prince after it charged into my lines before he had a chance to do anything. felt good :)
It will work on each unmodified roll of 6 to wound. This includes shooting and combat. I would definitely think about including a Slann, Kroak if...
It is true that your skinks are brittle but die to the summoning changes I find you are never really hurting for bodies, bringing on 10-20 per...
You are correct. No Slann, no Appear on Command. You can still take the trait though. You should look into a Slann.
I tried the Starborne Shadowstrike over the weekend and was super unimpressed. Your deep striking unit needs to make their long bomb charge and...
Eh, I can’t think of a list where you would want 2 Slann instead of Kroak and a Slann. Kroak is such a house, I’m having a hard time not just auto...
They are referring to the small buffs certain spells get if you are in a particular realm. (Purple Sun gets more movement if in realm of death for...
Sorry. Starseer.
Try are slow for calvary, they have no rend, poor attack profile, large bases, poor range, I can’t think of a reason to take them over saurus...
It seems like they made it into a general charge assist although it seems to be not super likely to go off.
It gives the mount extra melee attacks. You would be buffing the skink crew. (they have no melee attacks to buff however)
It says 5+ in the book for the skink spell. Only 12" range though.
If you can find the holiday box that would be a sweet buy, its pretty much SC Skinks but with double the skinks, double the flyers and has a...
Making them immune to battleshock is pretty easy, but I agree it depends. A deathstar of fire sounds pretty hard to pass up though...
He costs the same as a Slann, he is a mediocre wizard on a mediocre monster.
This is some pretty over the top interpretation of that rule. Can we go back to arguing about 1+ saves instead.
I would like a FAQ clarification as to why the Oracle Rod has a rend of -1 but the claws and jaws of the Troglodon have no rend. Maybe a designers...
Azyr is updated, the site is not. Also they have the old points in for Salamanders still...
Its a real shame that his base makes him unplayable...