I would load them right into the trash. Knights and Troglodon got done dirty.
Drop a starpriest and upgrade that slann to a kroak?
EotG cannot take that trait since it is not a hero with monster mount. H can take Nimble for an extra +1 save though.
Way of the Seraphon Coalesced Constellation Thunder Lizard Leaders Engine of the Gods - 260 Sacred Stegadon Helm Lord Kroak - 320 Stellar...
Get the skink box. The saurus box is good but only if you pickup 2 to round out the units. Plus everything in Skinks looks good where the saurus...
I’m pretty sure the box only has one sky blade, so only one chief per box.
I keep going back and forth. If you can effectively "honeycomb" your ranks you can get 2 ranks of clubs in and either way with only a 2" reach on...
Stegadon helm artefact seems good, gives the EotG +1 save and +1 hits on all of the stegedon attacks.
Hmm, the way this mentions 15 or kore models makes me think that maybe Saurus got the extra wound and are bought in 5s now? Maybe? (like Chaos...
What’s the idea behind running the skinks with clubs instead of pipes or javs?
Run your EotG with the ragged cloak maybe?
The only part of the rule that mentions restrictions is where it specifies the only SCE units can be set in reserve. Unless he wants to argue that...
Have your opponent point out where it says they have to be SCE units setup. If it doesn't specify they there is no place to argue. Mine that salt.
No attacking the cloak until it has attacked, he would lose the activation effectively.
Maybe in the new BT, who knows...
Yeah, the old tome is kinda junk. There is a kind of interesting diagram of different starhost designs but that is one quarter of one page that...
Here is my pipe dream/baseless prediction: Stardrake shields reduce the rend characteristic by one instead of ignoring -1.
He looks fine to just rebase coat, I wouldn't strip it as trying to brush the remaining paint off will be a huge pain on a FineCast model like him.
Get ur games in, I'm feeling that all of the battalions are getting big rewrites to be more CP and drop changing, less "build around."
Yeah, Athermatic for the skin, Talassar for the scales, Skeleton Horde for the claws., toss on some metallics and some little details like eyes...