an awesome tool man! helps new players greatly. i shared it on my facebook wargaming group to help get this tool out there to people ;)
nice! thats good to know. i havent played in since the new GHB(generals handbook) unfortunatley.
the guard are unfortunately not that great right now but hopefully thatll change with the new book that will eventually come out. they are really...
i was rolling the thunderquake with 6 kroxigors but i wanted to test something out with the oldblood on carno and the scar-vet on cold one....
bastiladons are a good choice. they can handle some evocators mortal would stuff and are absolute tanks in the thunderquake(my favorite unit), a...
Ya skinks are quite handy. I have alot of other threats so the skinks usually go unnoticed nd can take some ez objectives. I was thinking of...
So with dracothions tail I couldn't put a TQ in it cause a unit can't belong to 2 separate battalions cause DT doesn't include the TQ on its list...
Ah daum hopefully you can get a new book cause of the misprint
So i was making some adjustments to my big TQ army, I took out kroak and put in the slann also took out the 6 kroxigors nd put in 3 razordons nd a...
It ses 0-4 other battalions
knights are 80 points haha
if only the norm was 2.5k lists :woot:
i do definately like this idea nd will try it out just need some rippers :) wish they would have reduced the point value of the handlers they r...
thats what i was afriad of. but will give it a try once i get those rippers. if im able to get the EotG summon should i do 3 rippers with this...
hows this list? LEADERS: Slann Starmaster (260) - General - Command Trait : Great Rememberer - Spell : Stellar Tempest Saurus Astrolith Bearer...
i just dont have enuf unit knowledge atm so i wouldnt be able to use the shadowstrike as effective.
whats ur take on a TQ nd shadowstrike army? is it as leathal as it seems on paper?
nvm i found a imgur that has the points nd its 150
i thought the kroxigors went down to 140 for 3? but i dont have the book yet
yes it is helpful thanks man