Did you sulpt the alligators or are they from any brand? They look badass! They look a little bit like Hordes Gatormen, but reconverted somehow?
The link appears to be broken
I just miss the troglodon among the units included. Seeing that all the other units are released, seems like total war wont ever include troglodon...
You could help him/her even more by adding the link to the kickstarter campaign he/she started....
For now, we may take a breath of peace, and enjoy this DLC [MEDIA]
Guys.... do you realize if you buy them now you are saving money? 10€ per whole unit (20 miniatures). 15% aprox. Last 4 hours. You wont regret it,...
They will be available after the ones from the kickstarter are delivered. So after Dec 2019. Go on! Treat yourself! Because their price will most...
Pledge the 1€ or more Add On option, and pledge there up to the money your leader costs. Example: You want the saurian warlord (8€) [ATTACH]...
they are indeed! You can buy them here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lastsword/the-jungles-awakening
Hmmmm..... will give it a chance. Great idea!
I backed too, i got everything but the fat toad. I agree that the storyteller pose is a bit odd, but the standard is too good to miss!
Amazing conversion, I'm also in for some insight about the parts involved
If Slaans die, i quit from AoS for good. No more sigmarine shit for me, i would go back to 8th or try the new T9A.
Amazing conversion and wow such painting..... how did you achieve the result?
[IMG] A friend of mine shared this with me, and now i share it with you. Its not free, but the quality is good and they are multipose. If someone...
First of all, sorry for double post, @Itepixcauh could you edit and add the mouth and the tongue colours of the one with the mouth open? I'm bad...
Yeah thank you so much for sharing. Colour scheme step by step is always welcome by noobs like me :)
+1. I want to be able to ally with something i dont hate
I would like to join then
Post one that doesn´t expire....