Would you mind sharing your knowledge? I've been looking for @woogity kroxigors for quite some time, even 2nd hand or anything..... any help would...
It feels great knowing there are people out there so talented, and I'm glad I found this forum, this is priceless!! Keep it up!!
It looks nice, i will try it with some Terradons, since the result in them was what called my attention to look closer to the colours. I am...
I simply LOVE your colour scheme in monsters..... could you give some details about the colours? I mean de Dark blue /Light(white) blue ones
You, I like you, you are great
Ok... im not going to listen to that. Thanks for the info though
Where do you get that info? I've searched and in the faction focus Disciples of Tzeentch there is no info on their summoning mechanic, and the...
Welcome! Are you new in the forums or just happen to introduce yourself?
Maybe is this one? https://store.steampowered.com/app/794110/ Alith Anar?
https://store.steampowered.com/app/779880/Total_War_WARHAMMER_II__The_Queen__The_Crone/ Here, the queen and the crone
Hi! And welcome! I'm new too, but never introduced myself. Hope you enjoy the forum
Your hope will lead you to great disappointment...... Games Workshop left their intentions very clear on the first comical scene of this video [MEDIA]
No, at least the text doesn't say they can stack, "you obtain 1 Celestial Conjuration Point if your GENERAL is a SLANN and is on the battlefield,...