So, are we voting on this now?
Not on the dark areas. Shading is to indicate shadows on a model. It gives 3D depth to the model and keeps it from seeming so flat. This...
When you have as many models as I do, rank and file is the only way to go. They just look SO GOOD all arrayed on the table like that!
8th edition is the only way to go, man!
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Oh, SNAP! He looks like he's packing Sidewinder Missiles! And is that a Carnosaur head? Nice! I like the horns on either side of the head!
Lol! I still have my first model I ever painted (a 6th edition Orc Boy with additional hand weapon). It was SO BAD! Looks like a 3-year-old...
I keep telling myself that I'm going to do this as well, but I keep finding more and more projects find their way to my table! And I'm not doing...
Purchasing a few Washes will advance your models a ton as well. Base coat your model, then cover it in a wash (Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil from...
Also, looking back at your images, if I'm not mistaken, this is a pewter model and you just started painting directly to the pewter. Usually,...
Well, start with fine-tipped brushes. The sharper the point the better. If you use cheap brushes (like from Walmart), then they'll eventually...
Not totally sure what you mean?
It's a little hard to tell from the pic since his head is a little out of focus, but I can see what you were going for. Looks cool! And it fits...
No, drybrushing is simply dipping your brush in paint, then wiping most all of it off on a paper towel, until just the faintest little bit of...
[ATTACH] Schrute Bucks!!!!
Well....I think you have a good start. Basically a base coat. I understand that you're rather restricted with the paints you have available to...
They look good! Love seeing that Old School models can still be active!
I finished a Necrotect for my TKs last night. [img] [img]