So i really finished all of my Women tribe Blood bowl teams. I'm really proud and happy with them.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thanks:) yes comic/ cartoon style really fits great for Blood Bowl, because the Style is like the game and the "lore" .... It doesn't take itself...
Why don't you starting to write a Story? Everyone write a sentence and the next one has to add something.
All right Numbers?! I take[ATTACH]
Only 5. are there extra point for breaking the mini (3D Print)?
Big Guy, normal Guy, small Guy[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Oh great idea. Never thought of it!
Haven't been here for a while. No more Pokemon?
Changed my mind on how to paint my human team.since since I started my blog with withe scars I thought why not go on with them... in a way[ATTACH]
A while ago I traded my whole seraphon stuff. I still like the model but I knew I will never paint them and play with them. And stuff that's only...
Like the punga Froxigor
Made a test mini for my human team yesterday. Blue print was a fire nation warrior from Avatar. Somehow I'm not happy with it. Didn't worked out...
Thank God, they are not using Leia's shadow as bride! And the husband should be carefull, because there are only two.
Theme for this team is my little pony so you know where the color chosie is from[ATTACH]
Spent a long time basing yesterday[ATTACH]
I think it's more like [ATTACH] No he is a 3d Print from Brutefun...
First one of my Lizards done.[ATTACH]
Will you put something in the hole of the horn? It looks somehow strange to me, but only my opinion.
Greebo Games has a service right now. If you bought a team at them, you can make a logo on ,send it to them and you get it...
I had my idea for the theme of this team. Beach like lilo and stitch or Moana I already got names for all the players: Its'y Bits'y Te'eny We'eny...