Weekend lunch with wife and Kid's. Typically food form.... Let's see who can guess it?[ATTACH]
Interisting to see that there are studies about it:...
New Project:D[ATTACH]
Rule 34
[ATTACH] Oh and the Bear clan is also finished @Warden thanks, wife complained about the blood on the hammer. "It looks so brutal" I gave her a...
And the fourth one is done It's interisting to the see how people react when they only play "normal" board games with unpainted minis and they...
I saw some videos with green Stuff modeled flames. I will go this way. Although I not really convinced to but it
3 done 1 big guy to go [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Hi, does anyone know a good tutorial (YouTube or else) of how to model fire? This isn't about how to paint fire! How do I make fire elements? I...
And another one[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
No Blood Bowl Stuff right now. A friend asked if I can paint some minis of his board game. So... Here is my version of the frost giant in blood...
Looks a little bit like:D[ATTACH]
Haven't done any comic style painting for a long time. So I took some time this evening and a mini of my son :Dand painted
Ahhhh ok:) English phrasing sometimes I don't get it. And slowly I'm really starting to realise that I'm no more up to date with the young...
What do you mean? The thing in blood bowl is that you often place models prone by laying them down. Than "suddenly" hypnotoad becomes visual....
Just got inspired for my orc blood bowl team:)
Try also army painter. It's often the the cheapest brand.
Added the Numbers on the players. For early no. But longer no. Are a bit problematical.[ATTACH] For identification reason I will add a label under...
Honestly I don't know this paints. But there are 1000+ manufactures so.... Are they water based? Regarding sticky: often quoted but still one of...
Hmmm, advice... What colors do you use? Army painter, citadel, vallejo .... Different colors behave different. I personally stick to one...