Really nice unit. The blending for the skink's skin around the tail and calves is really good. Agreed that the different coloured scales on the...
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On Super minor update on my Mordheim band. They're all magnetized, baby! For those who...
Agreed, the bases are good, particularly the cold one's. You might want to think about adding a little extra variety, other than the tufts. Maybe...
I painted mine differently for just the reason you said. They look fine, but I regret it now, as they don't look like they belong together enough....
Sounds hectic mate. Glad it's over for you. Not really sure how your guys could've been said to infringe on copyright. Got any paint on those...
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG Great looking droid. The little free-hand details really make it.
Welcome to the board, mate. Your slann is great, good work on the gold and jade/red bands. You could give them pupils for their eyes, and it might...
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza ("Slaan" added!) Cool slann. Makes me think of those old rules for slann that made them a crazy powerful warrior....
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! Aside from stating the obvious (ie. that they're bastards, with no love for their...
Looks like a good start. What's bloodbowl like? Good game? Thought about making some cold blooded refs as well? What models do you use for...
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On Mmmmm, lots of projects on the go. I probably could've posted some WIPs, but oh...
Agreed, very nice model you've got there.
These look beautiful. The light reflection highlights on the armour plates look amazing. The bases are plain, but well done. Maybe worth removing...
That's a good point about retaining the 1+ save, I hadn't thought of that. I've got to say, I really like your list. It looks like it would be fun...
((this thread rocks, and I would be super keen to join. Got the time, Craken?))
You seem to know your play style really well, so there's not much I can say. One thing I noticed, with your Old blood, was that you've got a 0+...
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza (CoK, BSB and Saurus added) Lots of depth in those greens, really good! Especially on the BSB. It may just be the...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (Mega Cold One WIP's) What wash are you using for the green? Just the regular GW green one? Are you...
I tried to run a lore of beasts slann, with several units of multiple skink chiefs. It didn't really work, as you really need at least 2 of the...