I think the Sun is meant to go on a round base, it'd be weird to put a spherical ball on an oval base.
If you want to surprise summon anything that isn't on the list, work around the new Dracothion's Tail battalion. You can just leave half your...
I feel like having access to all the command abilities as and when they're needed helps Saurus out a lot; you don't have to try and build around a...
That's be helpful, I somehow had a buffed (serpent staff, celestial rites, mystic shield, sunblood command ability) unit of ten saurus knight deal...
I don't know where everyone is getting this "only one endless spell per army per turn" thing from. I read that as "only one endless spell attempt...
The average damage output of those ballistae isn't that great on the one long shot, but they have some serious potential yeah. Dropping a...
Local GW did their unboxing today, had a good browse through the Malign Sorcery. Most of it is damage or debuffs, but there are some interesting...
Between the rose vines and the veil I think she's meant to have a sort of Betrayed Bride look, which feels odd since her backstory indicates that...
Kroaknado isn't doable any more, and we're going to miss the +1 to cast and unbind, but to be honest this is still pretty good for a stock Slann...
I've found out about them recently, and buying from them is an absolute steal!
Those are some solid lists, thanks! I've been looking at Knights more as well, just as essentially mounted infantry. It's a pity we don't have any...
Pretty much. Even at a 3+ it's gone from +1/6th to +2/3rds of 1/6th.
That's what I was afraid of, especially since the general theme for us seems to be "Field a battalion and then add supporting units" and none of...
Playing fairly regularly at my local GW, most people there have settled into some fast-play 560pts lists. It tends to work great for them, but I'm...
That's quite a lot! I'm pretty sure we'll get our bigger monsters more regularly then; I don't think anything we've got is as all-out good at...
To sum up, Tzeentchian Daemons gain a summoning point every time a spell is successfully cast. They then spend those points in a way similar to...
For Skinks, I also don't see a huge difference. I'm not sure whether rerolling ones it better or worse at what levels, but I think it's also...
On the last item, I think the rules for all the spells with models will be packaged with said models. The spells based on the Realms will probably...
Other than the Start Collecting set, no. We don't even have Blood Bowl miniatures yet.
One of the side benefits that the new summoning system brings; Tzeentch summoning is based on successfully casting spells, both theirs and their...