I've struck on a gold mine with this one then! Speaking of oldies, I found my wizard lizard! See, back when I started collecting, there wasn't a...
Older than my involvement in the hobby, yeah. Whoever the seller of this inordinate number of lizards is, I think he's been a fan of them for a...
Also, as an added curiosity, was the box all of these models was delivered in; [ATTACH] Perfect fit for the purchase, but how many people have one...
Reinforcements have arrived! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] 48 Saurus Warriors and 40 Temple Guard, each with two command units. That works well for...
Been a little while , but progress has (slowly) been being made! The Beast from the East hit at the start of the month, making buying Methylated...
Looks like a good idea, thanks for the help! I'll see what I can do about that once the snow stops falling and it's safe for cold bloods to go out...
Reconfirming it here, looking forward to getting a unit of 16 Saurus finished this month! Want to strip them down of the primer they've got on at...
Looking fantastic! The metal and leather look nice and weathered!
This challenge was a lot of fun! I'm already setting myself a target for next month, for the much easier to rank up Saurus! Given their bigger...
Well, on the last day of the month deadline, the shields were handed out and the left arms were attached! Let's see how the unit's looking!...
Thanks for the advice, I'm on the home stretch for them now though; I've pretty much only got gold bits on the shields left to do!
Ooo, that's much better than my attempts at white Coldies! It looks fantastic!
I don't know how I missed Lagiacrus as a good colour scheme to vary up Saurus a bit; he looks great! I may have to take, uh, "inspiration" for my...
Progress on the arms is underway!... And has hit a little snag, in that now I feel like I'm actually not awful at painting, drybrushing fleshy...
Given their name I suppose it's likely that they tear their food into small enough chunks with their talons first. Still doesn't answer how they...
A little over halfway there, but I think I'm more than halfway done! [ATTACH]
Torsos all painted up! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just got to paint the arms and glue them on, then do the same for the shields! You'll likely notice...
Averland Sunset with a Fuegan Orange shade overtop. I've since don some fold highlights/flat areas with Yriel Yellow, which I think might have...
Ooo, really like the stone on yours! Did you start with a grey as dark as I have?
Okay, big painting updates today; claws are done and the sails are based and washed. Just waiting for the wash to dry and I'll post pics. EDIT:...