What is weird is that the Ripper/Teradons chiefs are not part of the batailion anymore. Oh that's true i forgot about the extra artefact provided....
Hi Guys i'm the weirdo that never played slann from 5th ed since now ! and I'm lost. There are some much new good stuff for them now. I don't...
Another question that was asked a lot before : With that new book, can we use "Lord of space and time" without a slann on the table ?
I'm sad to still be relates to slanns. As skink player, i'm looking for the FoS trait which hors with all the slanns boons. I'm sad... But...
I think it's a Key ability for skinks horde players (if there is any). Let's wait until the full leak :)
Oh neat.
Thx guys My 5th Ed skink Heart is beating too fast. It could explode. Any news about the skink bows ? :p So if i read it right, there is an...
The "it burns" rule is weird (salamander unit) "If you make 6 to hit, you deal d3 mw and thé séquence end" If i understand, with a pack of 4...
As a Skink player (no saurus, no slann) i'm can only approve the new Battletome direction. A possibility to play without "auto-include" slann is,...
AND ! I lose again againts Seraphons... I took the same list, the guy in front of me was particulary "cool" but extremely rigid in term of rules....
i'm not following the news and rumours but i see things like this : Seraphons could get some new thing in a dual box, like the Silvaneth/gobelin...
Thanks for the advices. I play skink still 5ed so, i'm a bit OCD on this. No Slann No Saurus, the astrolight was an exception. (and i mad a cool...
FINALY ! I've played my first game ! and lose... againts Stormcast. (16 vs 10... maybe more). My list was : - Feather priest - Astroligth - 40...
Hi guys ! What do you think of using the next coming plastic blood hound as razordons proxys ? They need some more spiky éléments but i think they...
Thanks for those precises advices. "Great remeberer" trait is for slanns only... so sad. I was looking that Nimble trait, My space skink goes 3+...
After a lot of reflections this are my limitations : - no slaan (yeah i know...) - no saurus (only the astroligh is an exceptions - SKINKS !!!...
Here some news on the project. I've put it on stand by, waiting for more feed back about the new AOS2. My list has not really changed with the...
Cloak can be anyhting that "represent" feathers or flying abilities. Some provide him wings from tyranid gargoyles or some undead bats (dark eldar...
Till the AOS 2 comming out and change all the plans we have here. Here is my painting schedule. Now, i have all 3 Heroes converted according to my...
Update This time, i've done it. I'll try my best with all the skills available (at a low level) and i'm kind of proud. The skink color are quiet...