I present to you The base The guy The stuff those of course require some painting before becoming one model. those will be a Priest with feather...
Just for your concern, i've found parts that will fit the archéotek idea for my characters. I'm working on some genestealer cult right now. I'lll...
I agree too. I need some bits for another army, i'll get a buch off Tau parts to custom my characters and make them more "equiped" to fill their...
This week, not really finish all stuff from the first third batch, but some have been done. 100pts... yay at last ! 10 guys for the new 40 units,...
My idea is to imitate the 5 ed Lizardmen monster schema. Black back, ivory belly. Which is... oh my snake ! the same as my skink schema... In...
Thanks man ! Today i'd like to share my schedule painting technique. I have a very few time to work on my minis and i hate playing with proxies...
Hey guys, Here the new barch of stuff to update my list and reach 2k points ! The list : - Feathered priest, converted from parts around but try...
hey guys ! I’m looking for shields tons of them ! I need - 40 olds school Saurus shields (the 5ed round ones) - 40 skink shields. I’m checking...
Also a new question pop’s up : Why did you choose a salamander rather than a razordon to invoque ? Sallies don’t have the range to shoot when cast.
Happy to read that !
@Adam Trunzo I read a lot about skink with blowpipes and shields. Here I see your list and all of them got javelins. Please give us the light on...
Now séraphons are in space. Could they bring back down on the realms some cool archeotecks tools like guns, teleports stuff or anything.. at last...
Question: Where to post the result ?
Finishing my genestealer cult 1k. Only one chimera left. Then starting the sotek painting contest. And then xeno cultist again.
Dam ! I red January. Need to lick my eyeball before posting. Ok let me gather some parts and paint.
I Also play skink at 1k. 40guys unit are pretty good. At this point you have 3 mandatory things: starpriest, 40skinks, 10skinks. You can also add...
Is it still open ?
Ok now, i've finished my first 1K army. Only remains around 40 bases to do. Here some pictures. Till the end of the year, i'll finish the...
Proxy ! That the only solution for ils models With no rules.
I think, just the fact they are not seraphon anymore is the real problème here. It destroys all the new things ghb17 brings us.