I start ! http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-forgotten-spawn.18391/page-2 Nothing to show, only a big red tab.
Here it is, the schedule Tab for the Tale of 4 warlords See this thread :...
Oh snap ! I just forgot to spam here ! I'll start this month with some stuff For me it will be : 3 month, 1000pts (so around 333pts for each) the...
I got plenty of them. i can keep one for you :D Maybe, i'll keep one anyway, by nostalgia.
Sorry for the silence, i'm progressing very slowly and making some test. Here some news of GreenBall after his "Sacred Break Oil Bath of sotek" :...
I think we could start now with all motivated guys with any project ? I guess 1000pts is enough ? The only things to do should be : Post your...
Here the first scratch of my idea for the Skink Astroligh bearers. [img] A flying artefact mixing oldschool elements and a technological center....
Don we know if they were seraphons list during the event ? and what are inside ?
I received the last batch and sorted all the stuff. I speak to you as the remaining dust of time is slowly falling down. From this pic 20 years of...
But they are both in the general Handbook, with differents names and point cost (and one ultra small differencies inside). :° no ?
Yay, 'ive done a demo this week end with some Sigmarite guys. and a new question spawn : Can i make an army with both : Shadow strike...
Yes i see that, but it's the only way. If the guy really want your skinks down, it will be easy for him to choose only them. But yeah it allows...
So, it's only working during the Seraphon player turns ! not when you get charged. Skinks are not untouchable as describes in many tacticas (some...
What i understand with "Pile in" is the 3" free movement allowed for engagement : Each time i read the rules i understand differently... so...
I don't see the point here. If i charge i get closer, and i don't want that. But yes if the ennemy is very close and about to leave the board its...
I'm sorry but i don't get it... This rule, also in french does not make sense to me. Like i see the rules, the only moment you pile in, is when...
Ah in that way ! so you can move twice in the same turn ? so it make : Mouvement-shoot-movement and you don't have to get charged to activate the...
I got other questions abot other units : - Wary fighters for skinks : The wording is strange, i read that they can retreat when the got charged......
Ok I saw him like a big light cavalry model. Fast, outflanking and possibly annoying. Not a front line model, just a middle size monster, strong...
Hey ! I'm restarting a skink army and i wonder how to use this guy. In each format does it fit the best ? 1000, 2000 ? Which use ? Which...