Turbo-awesome. Wish I could afford one of these.
Oof, that is a bad photo. Not a single model in focus, should have been at an angle. To be fair it was very difficult for me to take pictures as...
I got to test some of these at Warhammer fest. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I couldn't tell the difference between these and a wash (or 'shade' as...
Back home now, and faced with a new dilemma. Where the hell am I going to store my entries? Or my shiny new trophy? I've run out of cabinet space!...
Got me a bronze! For the one I worked hardest on too, the unit. [ATTACH]
All in the cabinets. All in the finals. Judging and awards are tomorrow. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Finished! And a week before the deadline too. Little late getting these pics up, I decided to spend this week, for the first time since I...
The pheasant-like ones? Rakarth Flesh basecoat, glazey washes of Terracotta (Doombull Brown) at base, Yellow Olive (Loren Forest) at top. Pattern...
Skink no.3. [ATTACH] Really like the how the shield turned out. Skink Priest. [ATTACH] Mostly just the same as my last one. When I bought it...
Base is done. Just need to varnish to take away the PVA shine. [ATTACH]
Buckle in this might take a while. The inside of the cape took me longer than the outside. Capes, robes, banners, large smooth areas of rippling...
Three weeks or so I think. I remember the cape scales definately took three days, too long for me to want to start over.
While I'm waiting for glue to dry, here's one of my other entries. [ATTACH] This one is for the 'Eavy Metal masters catergory. The idea is every...
I've been watching Luke Towan's videos for a couple years now, it's where I got the idea. I re-watch them all the time, it's a nice chill thing to...
Getting there. [ATTACH] I've been making my own leaf-litter basing material. I like the way it looks, so here's a bonus tutorial! [ATTACH] I...
Plenty of time for sleep later, for now I have coffee! 3rd Skink is done, got some time off work so I'm focussing on the Priest now. There's a...
Oh boy, exciting times. I've got tickets to Warhammer Fest, my hotel's booked, so that could only mean one thing - I'm returning to Golden Demon....
For the blades I changed the method about half way through the project. Before, I started with the midtone and used a black wash then lightened it...
So I wanted to have the last three Tzaangors in more natural colours, and I was trying to think of which shade of brown fur would be the most...
The rest. I'll start off with the boring one. A little better than the last one, but basically the same. Just some different colours to help tell...