Sorry updates are slow. I admit I'm a slow painter, but I'm also taking photos after every step and putting them together in Photoshop too. Also...
[ATTACH] 5. I added 2 layers of highlights to the back scales by adding in a little Pale Grey Blue to Magic Blue. I used the same colours to add...
Hi Lustria, it's been a while. So recently the skirmish rules for Age Of Sigmar have finally pushed me to start a passion project that I've had...
Just to clarify I added a little something extra because I ended up sending the prize a couple of weeks later than I said I would due to being ill...
You might have to be more specific there on original models. If it's anything in this thread, the bright greens were whatever brightest greens in...
I have Boneripper (without Thanquol) on the sprues I'm trying to get rid of. Would make a good proxy for a Hell Pit Abomination or just excellent...
Ah, apparently not sleeping for two days and working a double shift affects my ability to process information. I was afraid I was about to...
I think I'm coming down with a bad case of the stupids, because I can't figure out how to send a private message. Also, that's two more prizes...
There's nothing wrong (for us) with 8th edition either. As we get older we seem to get busier too. It would take us 4-5 hours to play 1500 point...
So I logged in the other week and noticed that there are people on my profile page following what I do. I'm guessing this is one of those...
That's the same bunch of problems I was having when I tried making tutorial videos, 1080 and all. That's a nifty idea, I might give that a go.
Ah, I don't remember how I painted that but it must have been similar because that's my go-to way to paint stone. As for avoiding drybrushing,...
Which stone throne? The Slann one? I just followed the 'Eavy Metal painting guide in White Dwarf, back when it was first released (2003?). In...
I've cast all my votes except for the Lizardmen Apprentice category. There's 3 or 4 entries there that I like for different reasons and it's going...
Just thought I'd share a fun fact I just realized about my entry. I had all of Game of Thrones running in the background while I painted. That's...
For what it's worth, in my experience in these things there's always a last minute rush. Just like school assignments, deadlines motivate people....
Think I'm gonna do a model for the open category. It's not a winner, more of a 'why not?' thing.
Really? Which ones?
How did I miss this thread? I don't know what to say, it's like I just witnessed a miracle or something.
Fiona, I just looked at some of your stuff and it's like pure distilled inspiration. I don't stand a chance.