I'm not going to disagree with that. I always encourage washing and drybrushing to newbies. They're fundamental painting skills that can be...
Yeah, a lot of people have been asking me this. It's actually not a Dark Elf Cold One, it's one GW released for the Storm of Magic expansion, not...
Actually I did say I'd do one, maybe a Ripperdactyl? That or a Slann, but I don't have any idea on how to paint it yet. Rikard, I'll send you...
I'll get in on this, but I have some questions on the eligibility of my potential entries. 1. Does it have to be a recent sculpt? (My last one...
I just realised this page has no pics, so here's something I haven't shown yet. [img]
Really? Hmm, still too expensive, and with Games Workshop as it is nowadays I've given up on that dream. I did actually. I've entered a lot of...
Not that model, I wasn't trying very hard. I grew to resent the model by the time I was finished, I didn't even use my good brushes on it. That's...
I used day geckoes as reference for this guy. I used 2 or 3 coats of medium-thinned paint to get the blends. [img] I couldn't find a rear pic,...
Ah, ok. That was just Stegadon Scale Green, lightened in 2 layers with white painted in the usual gem style (dark at the top, light at the bottom,...
Which blue gem?
Pretty much just that. I used some scrap plastic parts to glue the tips of the jaws and to make a kind of armature to sculpt on to. The front of...
Would it be unethical for me to vote? I really like the pallete on Crowsfoot's Kroxigors. I didn't get a chance to do a step-by-step in the end...
Mine will be finished by either today or tomorrow, then I just need to figure out how to submit the picture.
So, in the past I've had a lot of frustrations sculpting membranous shapes. Think wings (bat-like or feathered), or Skink crests are another good...
Is Duncan Rhodes the guy that does the tutorial videos on the GW site? If so I'm not a fan, I cringe when I watch those. In all fairness though I...
I could do that for ya. Should I post pics here or in my other thread?
Oops. Now I feel a bit guilty..
So this has been a long time coming. I got a Carnosaur for christmas and finished it back in January. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It all...
I'll get in on this. (Spoiler alert : it will be on a square base).
Hi Rkard. I've been sculpting unaided for about 15 years or so. I've never looked at a tutorial or asked for help before, I always liked the hobby...