They would somehow have to contend with the fact that there is a lot of hate for AoS. To think about what I want, I would want something that is...
I am experiencing similar emotions. I really don't know if anything they would make would actually resonate with me.
Look who comes, crawling back. Jokes aside, having an actual 9th...
6th age tournament, wauw, guess the UK is doing some things the good way. Never played 6th, seems crazy strong to be able to take 3 dispell...
I now see i cant, the file is too big, and i cant share it here. You can find it if you google Warhammer Fantasy Bible ;)
It is not on a site, I found it in a PDF called the whfb 8th Bible, which is a compendium of a lot of tournament rule sets and also just the base...
Looks really cool. The town, especially the narrow streets do make me wonder how playable the board is. Were older versions of Warhammer, for...
Congrats scaly, thanks for your continued support of the forum! On the tactica, it is progressing.. slowly. I have started work on the individual...
I found an interesting resource online used by the ETC to comp WHFB 8th, and i was interesting what you guys thought about our section. I think it...
Inspiring presence is worded as "Providing that the General is not fleeing, all friendly units within 12" may use his Leadership instead of their...
Yes you can, I would not see why not.
Interesting question. It is frankly baffling how contradictory the FAQ is here, which will probably make it hard to come to a RAW conclusion. My...