Ah fair enough, you did not have a Slann, that is a problem against them. Sounds rough!
What did he run? Generally Dwarven gunlines are an ok matchup, Lore of Metal does really well for us normally there against things like...
Gor Rok as well? Have never really ran him, i just look at him and i am like, but my cowboy is faster and stronger. I guess T6 really has its...
What Brother Sutek said. You take a Scarvet, put him on a Cold One, and give him a Great Weapon. This gives him 4 attacks with Predatory Figther...
Some light thread necromancy going on here, but it is my thread, so i do what i want! So you want full comp. 1 cowbow, 1 Slann, plenty of other...
Very cool, what was the end result? I bet the sallies were good? Wyssans is indeed always great against Elves, wounding on 2s with Sauri is great,...
Also yes, always yes, they are useful. Never had them not being useful, save those few times they decide to eat their skink snacks twice in a row ;)
What magical place do you live in that still organizes 8th tourneys? I want to go there XD. List looks good, strong, only misses a Cowboy really...
Sounds like you are making pretty nice expansions? Is your local area competitive, or is it more casual? We have not discussed our strongest boy...
I guess i played too many tournies back in the day. I feel like i just have a pretty thorough understanding of 8th that just won't get out of my...
I generally run 6 skirmisher units, so more of them is good. I do not have a lot of experience with the fylers, mostly rippers are played, but i...
2x30 sounds like a good setup! I generally run like a unit of 30 sauri plus than a 26 man Templeguard unit for my Slann in 2.4K points. And i do...
Good start, this looks like a good varied list to get going on! I just have a few pointers on efficiency, and what you could change about the list...
Hi there, welcome to the forum! Generally it is the easiest if you make a list to have a starting point, we do not know what models you own so if...
Have been looking, no news for as far as i know.
Also because being able to decide if you want to invest 1-5 dice over 4 spells gives you so much more options in the magic phase as opposed to...
I can see the idea of it, but does that not just make any wizard that is not Lvl 4 useless? I would just force through with my Slann, and be very...
Old magic rules were hilarious. I will never forget a game i played against the Empire in what i think was 5th or 6th edition. We played on a...
Fair enough. I work a lot with legal documents, so maybe that makes it that i am not really bothered by it ;). An issue with the GW keyword...
I do wonder, why? Keywords really do not impact play in any way, it is just something to consider when building lists. I love 8th like the next...