Yeah, it does sound like they used the old rules for Grapeshot. You do not use the flame template anymore for Grapeshot, you roll an Artillery...
Do you have a full list, including magic items etc? The details matter a lot. Cannons are sadly very strong against us lizards if you take...
Hi there! Welcome to the jungle! Fantasy 8th certainly is a tricky game, it is a game you can play intensely for years and still find you have...
The only thing i really agree on is that it is weird that Krox are T4. That certainly seems too low to me, when looking at the models. Saying we...
I second this. Also, even with the Soul of Stone, you are going to lose some of your Temple Guard to miscast. If you have 20 and you lose 10 you...
Hi there! Cool that you are still playing 8th out there as well. I second what the others said, more Temple Guard is good. Maybe you can even just...
I can see how they hit hard in CC, but i really do not see how they will get there. What also adds to this is that there are not that many great...
I don't know man, they do not have saves though! They die so hard to skink javelins, magic missiles, any kind of shooting really. They are also...
I re-converted custom my Dark Angels Talonmaster, as it would not be accepted in tournaments were i was going. Am pretty happy with the result.
Sounds cool and flavorful! They sure as hell needed something to make them viable. Personally i would go for something like Regeneration and just...
Thanks for your reaction! I do have to say that i have to insist that Grey Seers are really very strong. They were around the cheapest lvl4...
I am really not up to speed with 6th, if i play i play 8th, but enough lizards on here are, so maybe they can help you. Welcome to the forum!
This seems like a reasonable solution. I would do it in a tournament match, but this virtual pivot seems like a good idea..
Still would be interested in what Scaly and Nightbringer have to say for sure. :)
I would argue that rule is irrelevant in this context. Yes, it does not cost any movement to pivot the model, but you are still moving the model....
Yeah i agree, in a competitive game or if (god forbid) you have to face 2 of the buggers, tactics like this would not be beyond me. You only need...
I think it is the strongest model in their book, with Grey Seers and Doomwheels as a close second and third, there are just not that many great...
Flaming attacks pretty much sums it up. The best way if you want to list tailor is something like Temple Guard with a Banner of Eternal Flame, but...
Thanks a lot! I have played the rats pretty often, am glad it came out fine.
The vile Skaven are the army the Lizardmen have quarreled with most in the lore. I have been on the Lizardmen side of the competitive matchup...