Sounds reasonable, i will make an edit!
First i must say that i love the necromancy going on here ;). And are you sure? I always interpreted that the crew are not part of the Cannon...
Looks cool, voted!
I also just use excel, without your fancy macro's though. Works great, generally.
Cool, well done! Think your opponent made his units too small,, i would reather have a unit of 25 guys instead of 2 of 15 in most cases, but that...
I think this list won't do very well. You have 3 slow blocks, without skirmisher skinks i think it will be very hard to control the battlefield....
This is going to sound pretty weird, but my uncle used to own a castle in France, and they had an outdoor pool. Always before we used it the...
Home video theatre, gaming room and cocktailbar. Was very tempted to put in indoor pool, but then i remembered how much work actually owning a...
It is bound to happen, there are no new players, so all non-AoS forums will die eventually if no new fantasy system comes around. I really hope...
Same. Playon is a lot better for 40K battle reports, so no reason to go back to them now. Tbh is Playon really fantastic in their battle reports...
Is the eagle eye bolt thrower not a bolt thrower? :O The more you know, would have never guessed that.
You are right, I forgot that old bloods get4+ scaly skin. Old bloods are so expensive though. If you would consider old bloods as a magic item,...
I agree that 17 TG is small, too small tbh. I am also more of a fan of the GW, Gamblers Armor, Dawnstone, CO build on the Oldblood (instead of the...
Yeah. Downside is that the models are going to be broken expensive ofc, let's hope we can use our old models..
@NIGHTBRINGER , i must say, I do really like how this poll turned out, with so many people being 50/50 on it, it really emphasizes how all of us...
My favorite way to deal with them is to just mash a unit of skinks close to his units and see what pops out. Especially if you can hang back and...
Had a great game against Woodelves this weekend, 2400 points, first time i used the engine of the gods. Lists were the following. My opponent knew...
Got to back Scaly on this one, it is possible in theory but in practice it will almost never happen. I have never seen it happen, but Orcs and...
Same here. I don't know if Dreadfleet is comparable to this though. Dreadfleet was pretty small scope in its ruleset if i remember correctly, i...
I will see if i can get an opponent for this list, i don't know if i can get anyone to play against this as it is pretty demoralizing to play...