I have been getting into it again a little bit with a friend who is inexperienced with wargames, i have around 3-4K points of space marines, and...
Me neither. With how quiet it here sadly is outside of the AoS pages, i would love some more spoilers. 9th edition 40K is what GW's focus is on...
Good poll! I simply listed of all the factions from the good old days, anything after Sigmar should not be part of the Old World imho. I don't...
A question as old as time :p. I am on the javelin train, having a 5+ armor save and a parry against other skirmiskers like shades of pistoliers is...
Anybody heard any more news since this was shared? I know it is more of a long term thing, but i would be interested in some more info right now.
I can remember having to use the I of 2, but now i can't find why anymore. Seems i wasn't quite right!
I am afraid that you would have to discuss this with any opponents, or tournament organizers in advance, if you do not want the roll a dice rule...
Well have'nt we all been there, overthinking 8th because of a lack of local opponents. I would say that that is around 95% of my interaction with...
I would ad to that that you can just build a better Carno rider yourself for less points, nothing in his kit really stands out. List looks good,...
Oh right, i was thinking about the Magma Cannon of the Chaos Dwarfs. the DP is of course their best unit. It is still among the better ones though...
You use power dice to dispell Remains in Play spells like the Transformation, it should be under Remains in Play spells in the Magic section.
Great praise from the esteemed keeper of the indexes, thanks Scaly ;)
About the cannon, it is the best unit in their book. Have you read the how to play against cannons tactica? I think honestly that has all you...
That is indeed what I meant, thanks Assassin :)
Looks like a more than reasonable list. I just have one major caveat, you need at least 30TG to properly protect your Slann. You got to many...
I always keep them at 10, and I had 6 units. Another popular size is 13, because then you only need to take a panic test when you take 4...
It is a fantastic book, lots of fun. Will be hard to find that many players these days, but if you can, I highly recommend it. As per the rules...
I would not take any Krox, your skinks are not meant to be in cc. If they are, they will die which is ok if they have done their job, a Krox is...
I also don't think you need a buss, as that only costs points and bleeds combat res. 2-3 solo cowboys with great weapons are all you need. They...
I have used the setup described, and actually won a finals of a tournament against WoC with it so I would have to see it worked pretty well. I...