Ah, well these weren't exactly a planned acquisition, I think I'm keeping to the BCR sub faction for now as that's where the appeal is. In terms...
Your Empire models look so good @Walters . Well done, can't wait to see more!
Also agree on the use of pure white. A really light grey, or the next "white" down the scale would help pass the effect. They look great, outside...
Wow now that's quite a collection. Very very nice. Cant have enough of those 'roided cats either lol. Must have taken you a considerable amount of...
Really loving how this is coming along. I get that this is a work in progress but that purple works so well. Im bot entirely sure of the green but...
@Imrahil The herd may get bigger in time as well :rolleyes: @Lizards of Renown Thank you! Nice to find there are others that like parts of the...
Some more steady progress made of the Beastclaw Raider Start Collecting. All the beasts are now together, leaving just the riders. So far I've...
This pup will find us all one day
Hello and welcome back, fellow returner :)
Hello and welcome :)
I'd probably say "cute, but your boyfriend looks like a basic bitch that drops tiny dakka when defeated. Consider getting yourself a real man!"
Hello and welcome
Hello and a belated welcome
Ooooooh you!!!! :confused:
I'm winning xD
It works better than it has any business being. Carry on the awesome work @Egres :)
Hi there @Imrahil. Usually I'd try to do something other the box art, but for BCR it really works for me - which is really handy. There are some...
Thank you @Lizards of Renown. That's cool to hear. I look out for that. I really like them
Hello friends. With life, work and current world events....I've been struggling. I have to be honest. I've sat down and done a little modelling,...
My fickle side has kicked in - giving Jain Zar a break and have started building the SC BCR box. This was an unwanted gift for my Niece that she...