It would be incredible to see them, in some shape or form and I wouldn't be the only one interested I'm sure.
I started of trying to do a hour an evening and that was great to begin with but fell out of consistency with that. perhaps I need to take a brak...
I'm afraid I've failed to to any painting at all so no progress :( Some evenings I get home from work and I want to, but just can get motivated.
That's awesome! Do you still have have those?
Did you do that @Bowser ?
Hello and welcome :)
@Sudsinabucket this is....incredible. I've never been so inspired. That Arthropod creature genuinely looks intimidating and the Slannesh steeds as...
Keep that paint log updated :)
I'm afraid football isn't something I've ever been interested in. I don't know who any of these guys are :(
I really like your approach to painting flames. Taking notes there!
I like the swirls. If I could give you some constructive feedback, going up to a much lighter blue, grey or even white to accentuate various parts...
That would be amazing. I'd very much love that, thank you Explodingzeb :)
Thank you Imrahil. It has been some time since I've painted a character model and quite an interesting experience. I'm trying to do the model...
My first time ever spilling a pot and that was Saturday night, Seraphim Sepia everywhere. What did my wife do? She sat and laughed :(
Really nice collection Bartuk. Have you had many games with them, or are you like many others (including myself) who only play when they are fully...
Absolutely agree with Imrahil. I wish I could paint to that quality at that speed. Loving it all.
Hello hobby comrades, I'm beginning to give thought to basing, but as this is not something I've bothered with before its completely new...
Just a few coats of mephiston, that. But yeah for a base paint and nothing else it's very striking! Ive since put a wash over it and building up...
You too my hobby comrade! :)
Jain Zar - Slow but definitely steady progress. Other than a little tidying, the bone armour phase for this model has now been completed and I'm...