Jain Zar When comparing this model to Drazhar I have to admit the spikey edge-lord drew my eye first. Honestly it took a long time for the appeal...
Hello hobby comrades. Intro With good Will and the best intent, this will hopefully be an on-going paint log for 2022. At this point in time...
I'm trying to think of some bone-related pun, but it's hard (really nice models there)
Really struggling to find a picture that isn't my usual casual scruffy look, but this is myself (with my wife from 2018. Still happy today :))...
Thank you Lord Agrax, everyone has been as friendly as ever. I am genuinely glad to be back. In all honesty I've been a fan of Craftworld Eldar...
You shall....not....pass!
Hello and welcome Joanie, You will be in good company here :)
I really love the deep warm colours on your bastiladon and the blue/purple which pops right off it. Absolutely gorgeous.
Definitely another familiar face I see here! Thanks Imrahil, it's nice to be part of the community again buddy. I hope yourself and everyone here...
Hello Pawl, Sorry to find you are having such a rough time with airbrushing. If its any consolation I also found out the hard way that...
Thank you for the warm welcome. Its really nice to be back :) ....but where to begin! xD
Hello Lustria, I used to be fairly active on this site 3-4 years ago, always wanting to return to the community. The very nature and friendliness...
Looking good!
Looks amazing! How did you go about paining your white areas? I've not been able to paint much but I am struggling with mine.
Thank you so much :)
Really like your models! That teal colour really pops. Getting a very exotic vibe!
Hello and welcome :)
Thank you kind Sir! Veeeeery much appreciated Ved