Put it another way, if you have friends to play with who are happy to play against a single custom unit you have tried to make balanced, in order...
No, how could you POSSIBLY use some rules thrown together by someone that ISN'T James Workshop! It's safer to simply never use the flipping...
Interesting to see the saurus head crests have a revised design with scales and scutes.
BUT DO THEY RANK UP!? Oh dear guess I'm buying some GW minis again *doesn't look at hundreds of points of existing, incompletely painted...
These good lads got some more details painted on them (after 10 years...) for doing well on the tabletop this week! [ATTACH] Quite fun, when you...
You never posted your impressions last year.... START TALKING!
Why this thread no work >: ( Have been playing OPR with a few mates very occasionally (the only TT game I do get to play) and whilst it is a good...
I wouldn't mind seeing a flat debuff when a beast is below half strength or something. I never played in an edition with "unit strength" I...
... Those are some great prices on your site, 20 odd strong units of infantry for good-old-WFB-days prices it seems. Wish we had a service like...
Time not spent printing is time wasted! [ATTACH] Anyone else got anything they've printed to share?
There's melee focused chameleon skinks in Total Warhammer. Which is made heavily in collaboration with GW.
Hahah he wields the sword in the stone brilliant!
I think *everything* about TOW has to be viewed through the lense of Total Warhammer. The games have sold like crazy and been very well received,...
(I was surprised to find no general thread existing) For general 3D printing discussion. I got a printer this week, an Ender 3 V 2 and WOW is it...
Is it really necessary to quote three posts just to coyly imply your low opinion of The Old World :P
Well, news is better than no news.... but it's absolutely just an oven-warmer of an article. "yes this still exists yes it is still months away...
I realise it's the 21st century and everyone should have awesome internet, but please scale down your image sizes a tad next time for those of us...
I've always just assumed a scale of numbers something along the lines of 20mm = 20 troops, 25mm = 10 etc etc to make the "small" number of models...
Hah nah those dogs will be mounted as intended and used with the other halflings from the set, though the mantic halflings are only a foot shorter...
I was so impressed with the SINGLE random spider rider gobbo I had acquired somewhere in the past that I went and bought a box. Such wonderful...