I was wondering what approach this thread was taking: lore, un-costed game model, costed game model... I always think the middle of the three is...
It's much better, but in all honestly there are *still* bits where the darker watermark patches interfere with the delicate fonts visibility. I...
I encourage anyone who hasn't done it to give it a try! Cutting thin MDF, with an electric jigsaw or even just a fine hand saw, then sanding the...
I can only assume this is like a bowl of free sweets where some bastards just pick out all the good ones really quickly :P Making DIY terrain...
Today I finished assembling the bestigors in the current AoS army box. They were a bit fiddly and annoying to rank up to be honest. Built the...
Lack of players interested in WFB sadly, but OPR is great for getting quick games with minis on the board from people less interested in full...
Oh we don't have one of these? I've never played or collected WFB O&G, though they certainly look like one of the funnest armies. Recently I've...
Hmmm I read the OP and I can't work out - Are you actually rolling a *single* combat for the results, an average of a few combats, or just using...
Before I read any further into the new beastment book and asides from saying well done putting the effort in, please consider 1) Using a font...
Having now assembled some of those miniatures, that conversion is going in The Book :mad:
This is a real champion of a necro-bump, feels good to have decades old threads to do this with :D I picked up the halflings vs orcs KoW starter...
How so? Level 1 wizards get 2 dice to cast, just fine for the lower level spells. Of course it'd probably require some different form of selecting...
It's so strange how AoS is supposed to be a skirmish game but has less impactful terrain rules, and rules all round, than old WFB. I was surprised...
I've been listening to the "Wargames Orchard" podcast which has taught me quite a bit about older WFB editions. One edition had wizards limited to...
I think I've read that tzaangors are crap on the tabletop for rules, but from what I've seen they look great and would fit WFB easily!
You're right, it is a more thorough and adaptable way of tracking exactly what they want rules to apply to and so forth. It just looks like an...
HH is based on 7th edition 40k mostly isn't it? Honestly I was only ever really involved in 5th edition, which I loved.
I sure would if I didn't live in a rural area and had people to play with! Haven't played 8th for almost a decade :(
That tzeench dude is absolutely dope AF. Love seeing stuff that fits WFB aesthetics. Daemons have *never* appealed to me, but I honestly like all...
I'll cry if TOW has "floating" layers of rules like AoS and 9th has, tracking command points, 6 million stratagems from every codex and...