My answer is the plastic Slann/Lord Kroak 3 times. Seriously gorgeous. (No I don't really pay attention to new miniatures.) However it is pants on...
That's a paddling. For their time for GW minis the plastic Lizardmen minis are EXCELLENT and have held up really well over the years... But fair...
Woah, love the aesthetics of the minis. Very Lord of the Rings! (I think it's the norse style helmets hahaha)
Has anyone played 8th using this slightly tweaked army list from the WAP? There's also other army books that have the same treatment, just looks...
(I did search and couldn't find any threads similar in topic) Interested to see what other Fantasy games people know of, or play, other than the...
Woah, I could have sworn I remember this place shutting down.... or did it just move? I'm a Lizardmen 8th edition gamer in Australia, haven't...
I wonder why they have kicked Tomb Kings... along with Lizardmen and Skaven it's probably their third most unique non-typical-fantasy-trope army...
I think they chose a terrible direction for the fluff in the terms of the fluff universe. At least with WFB you could have a mental map of...
Mad thanks for that, I can finally pump out all my units onto easy to use cards! Even better would be removing the "grey" parts, and inverting...
Is there any chance of getting this in a purely black and white/inksaver layout for those of us still in the noughties as far as home printers go?
A big old +1 for skinks on raptors, mainly for the modelling fun! Also the idea of giving them 1A + an innate attack is a nice and tidy way of...
Surely they could be found a happy halfway point between the poison of old and something new? Giving skinks some optional "abilities" to spice up...
I feel you about the monsters. I think the Steg model is a pretty perfect size, it's a large scary thing but at the same time it's not supposed to...
I never had an issue with "should be unbreakable" units retreating, it's part of the game and you can easily justify it as "the particular leader...
No possibility of getting a Skink character onto a Raptor? Lame :( My Skink Chief riding a terror-bird is my favorite kitbashed model! I know it...
Hopefully the odd 8th edition game, or 9th if anyone in my local scene wants to get into it. Otherwise I don't have much time for mandollies any...
Low quality? Given the scale of the game, these look to be wonderfully detailed, at least comparing them to what I remember of GW Epic miniatures etc.
Not looking to spam (I've not relation to the business, except for the continent we share) but these excellent Lizzie minis are just out!...
Magnets are great for monsters and vehicles (in other games) and possibly even hero models if you really want to be modular, but as far as...
Ugh, if these rumours are true then GW are lazy and stupid and hate their fanbase. Wait, we already knew all that... But seriously, I realise...