Re: Dice Order: In the mail... I feel I ought to do some kind of dance, Western Australia getting something first for once. :)
Re: Dice Order: In the mail... ARGH THEY CAME AND THEY'RE GORGEOUS AND I WISH I BOUGHT MORE <3 Gonna have to try to get a game this weekend!
Re: Dice Order: In the mail... I'm looking out for your post, since you will get it a day or two before me, being an east coaster! (I think...)
Reading the FAQs of other armies, it's interesting to see they DO answer "already apparent" questions. Even wishful-thinking types.
Find some model dinosaurs and use them instead?
Eh, just an idea to try to poke them. Since it only takes 15 seconds to send an e-mail.
Re: Dice Order: In the mail... K-whup-a-coco?
+1 to it "it's a ridden monster as per BRB" when a character is on it. Sadly. Since Wizards die hard in CC even on top of a giant lumbering...
Just a though, we should all drop a line or two to the GW FAQ department asking politley when we're going to see some WFB FAQs. The address is...
I decided the idea of having an undead army, and the cheap Mantic miniatures, was too good to pass up! Soon hoardes of skeletons and zombies shall...
Shame that Champions aren't better now that Challenges and such are things. Would be great to have Champions having something other than a mere +1...
I used LoLight against HElves today. Didn't help much :( Their natural speed/ASF tends to neutralise stuff... Or maybe I just had the worst...
We would need someone to come up with the designs in a vector format for us :P I always though flames and a Sally on the flame template, then...
But what about templates!? Has this been done in a previous year? There's a template laser cut company here in Australia who does Warhammer...
Please tell how you got Chakax's tail to play nice! Mine won't stay on, even with a botched pin attempt and green stuff!
I'll usually take full command in my Saurus, and a Skink Chief in a cohort. Ignore the rest. /10c
In case you didn't realise, you come across as purposely condescending when you feel the need to explain Web Discussion Etiquette For Dummies like...
I like the part where Sleboda insists it's only fair and right to model your models as EXACTLY WYSIWYG, and at the same time play with secret...
Come on guys, let's try and piece together some jungle swarm tactics! I used mine to good effect for the first time the other day! I used a unit...