I just updated my list, and I am 90% sure those are all my GW models. There are 5 or so more that are not from GW, but as you see I dont have much...
Really nice blog post, and I know a few youtube players that should read it. I hate people taking dead models randomly. Personal and not...
It will probably be a website, so any device that can access this forum should be able to access/use the website.
Basically the starter box, Gorechosen, WD Slaughterpriest and Khorne BloodBound Battle Force. Khorne Bloodbound (WIP/Unpainted) Starter Set - 1...
6th of January = Secret Wise Men, even sounds good.
Wow that marble effect is too OP. I love the painting, but still not a fan of the models. On the other hand, The Bretonian and the Spartans...
Edit: Yes, something similar The project may start in AoS, extend to Warhammer, but the long goal is tabletop. Reason for this arbitrary decision,...
Thanks for the feedback @Bowser I like the idea of requesting. We all love when someone asks how we did it or what color we used. This should not...
I wish I was such a nice guy. You hook a guy with an army he wants to play, gave him a decent price, and you made sure to make his first game was...
Hi Everyone, I want to share a tool/website idea I had for a long while, but I am not sure that there is a need or desire from such a tool. Please...
Well for Christmas I got an unexpected Arduino board, so I suppose I have to add something. Learn and use a micro controler
Its a cliche tradition, but I enjoy it. There is no better time to change or start something as NOW, but a new calendar is also a great way to...
When I first saw a catalog of WHFB I imminently liked the Empire, I liked their fluff, their models, and the variation in general (units, colors,...
Disclaimer: I been thinking of creating a website with something similar which may have some overlaps, I hope this is not a problem. I am not a...
Really nice! Looking forward to reading more. I have not seen/read much anime, but I do find your story different to previous fantasy stories I...
Really enjoy reading these stories. I also enjoy reading the reviews by other people, and I will read about constructive criticism because I think...
I would cut them to fit in the box to a length of 17 cm or 6.5 inches. Thats like 1 cm less than citadel brushes. I would cut some low quality...
I found something that I am relative happy about. Solid Lightweight Small Protective It can hold 8 Vallejo/16 citadel and 10 humanoids/3 horse...
Any hints/tips on how to use it or how you use it. For us the less artistic ones.