I will join! I will try to post monthly or bi-weekly updates,
I been painting more at friends places than at my own, and I been looking for a small case that will fit 5 humanoids or 2 mounted figures, or 1...
Great contest, and thanks to all sponsors. I didnt join because....well life. It was still great motivation to plan, and try to paint something.
@Fhanados As a Colombian, I need to get my hands on those free e-books. @spawning of Bob I did find the fluff section and enjoyed it a lot. I...
Thanks for the link, a few I had seen before but a lot are new an exciting. I will bookmark them and give them a try. note: Sorry for delay...
Interesting, I was expecting more people to read all GW books and novels. Now I feel like a nerd for trying to get them :D Note: I read my first...
What percentage of official books/novels from GW do you read? How do you stay up to date on upcoming novels? I am looking to catch up on the...
Seems like I need to read a little more fluff to understand. I got my hands on a 8th army book, and I read Gotrek & Felix, but I need a few more...
Sounds silly, but I never thought about scraping before gluing. You may have a better grip, angles, and view. Looking at the miniature closer, I...
Hi Everyone, I need your help! I got a AoS starter set, and decided to paint the Chaos Warriors. I have always liked the colorful armies more,...
The model that I was working on is the bottom right model in this picture. In my opinion the right mini-shoulder makes it hard to reach the neck,...
Do you guys read tabletop blogs or why not? Do you have any to recommend? I am looking for either fluff, painting tutorials, or reviews of...
While assembling a model I realized that if I had painted the model before assembling it, I would have been able to paint some hard to reach...
But not greater than the Poke wars.
I notice that recently there has been changes in GW decisions, prices, and now I notice that there are more "interactive/friendly" manager at the...
Sadly I was not able to submit a model, because moving out and a few other personal things got on the way. I also broke my model, and cant find...
Thats like 5 times the painted models that I have!!! Really interesting suggestions here, looking forward to the finished models. BTW: How come...
Since its a contest with prizes I would say the best answer is normally to stick to the rules, else you open the door people to complaining about...
Hi Guys, What do you guys do on early levels? I heard that evolving or power up while you are low level is useless, since you will find better...
Yes, something like that thanks.