I don't play AoS and this don't have anything to do with Kroak himself but I went through EXACTLY the same problem as you did. I painted my...
It's a very long running joke in the KoW community, we are just like little kids moving plastic soldiers around with our CoKs out. :p
He will be happy then, Ratkin can be very scary indeed. One thing you will realise is that the balance in KoW is EXTREMELY good, the best I've...
WELCOME TO KOW!! In KoW models don't go individually but in movement trays of specific sizes, so you can literally put your round based models on...
1- You can pre-measure everything, so there is no way a charge can fail. Measure, is it in range? then the charge is possible. It isn't? then you...
I'm still at this point sometimes surprised on how good this system is. Easy, simple to learn and at the same time extremely deep from a tactical...
IT'S HERE!!!! The final battle report is finished !!! Go check it out, it's a good one.
RHORDIA TURN 5 This is a simple turn for him, he gets the Dogs of War into the flank of my FE, courters both the Duke and the Militia and then...
RHORDIA TURN 3 With my Skyraiders gone he is more confident with his move and decides to be a bit more aggressive in the middle by committing his...
[IMG] What do we have here? It seems this year league it's come to an end, and what an ending we prepared! 2500 points, full AMERICAN style....
Regarding the Ratkin lists number one is just better, don't change the Shocktroops, they are probably the best Infantry in the whole game. Only...
Try it of course, I did for a long time. Surviving is not his problem though. I encourage people to try everything, it's the only way of learning...
By the way @Gary_M I'm the guy in Facebook crying about the Ankylodon all the time, just so we know where we stand. :p
I so glad you enjoyed the game, my favourite point limit is 1995, so much fun. On the list changes I would suggest to drop the Clan Lord, he is...
There used to be a legend somewhere in there,but basically green ovals are hills, forests are self explanatory. Blue ovals and yellow squares are...
The best thing about KoW is that unlike Fantasy, almost every list can be made to work and win if you play better than your opponent. But I would...
Yeah it is a matter of style, best thing about this game is that all lists are not copycats of one another
I agree on the fact that I might have exaggerated a bit but 12.96 damage is pretty amazingly good, better than Ancients on Rhinosaurs and on par...