Thanks! Yeah, we are going hard on it too. It all started as a test if we could record a KoW game in our last tournament, check it out in the KoW...
AMA Wargaming channel is growing! Our first Deadzone Battle Report is up and running. We are working on properly made subtitles but for now the...
WE DID A THING!! Sadly it's not me playing, BUT still this is amazing for us. We recorded the full game happening on table 1 in the last round...
KIN TURN 4 The Spears, surprised to be alive counter charge the FE as do the Crossbowmen with the Skylord. The Pegasus storms to capture the...
Hello once more dinosaur enthusiasts, The game I bring you today is a prep game for a 1500 tournament that will be up soon, but first this. My...
Brotherhood list is more or less like this: - Horde of Villein Spearmen with Strength - Horde of Villein Martyrs - Horde of Villein Bowmen with...
Regarding the original topic the two armies I like the most thematically are the Brotherhood Villein Army and the Undead Flying Circus. Lists are...
Indeed! And with the changes on CoK 18 they are extremely good right now too, it's a Win-Win, you get cool models and win games!
I don't like the Big dragon guy or the Griffins so that is that. I use the guys on small dragons (4 of them) as a Chariot Horde and I guess the...
That's my idea, Ogres for everything except the winged guys, that will be of course Elohi and an Ur-elohi. The Ogre list is strangely perfect...
I like the idea of an all cavalry Salamander army actually! Here are my Army Ideas that I'm building, I always build armies around a theme: -...
We actually organised last year what is was going to be the biggest Deadzone tournament in the world, but sadly due to two drops in the last...
[img] A very exciting update to our local league! Due to my very decisive victory over the Goblins I'm actually second and extremely close to...
Minimum model count is actually 50%+1 with only one exception that are Legions (60 models but MMC is 41 instead of 31) As @Lord-Marcus said we...
If you are not planning on going to tournaments the number of miniatures on the bases is irrelevant. I've played against empty bases, even pieces...
Kings of War is oke of the best tactical games ever made. IT'S EPIC!! Go to the KoW section of the forum for a lot of battle reports, I've...