Amazing looking army, painting is superb! I like the head of the rider as it is too, maybe repositioning the arm that is holding the blade so it...
Thanks guys! Speaking in citadel terms: - Basecoat with Stegadon Scale Green, then wash with Nuln Oil. - Then three passes of brightening on...
Finished painting the Saurus Guard and the Priest, and started work on the Terradons (just basecoated, nothing to show yet). I've finally decided...
First off, thank you guys for the comments! I plan to give all my Seraphon warpaints, in yellow and red, with different patterns and styles...
Thanks Aginor =) Finally I took some photos of my painted stuff!! Not the best photos around, still trying to focus right (and that home made...
Thanks Crowsfoot, and yeah, a lot of painting to do! Here goes the finished Oldblood on foot. First time sculpting scales, I am pretty happy with...
And last batch of images, my three final characters for now. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Scarvet on cold one, made from the plastic oldblood on...
Some more pics (sorry for the quality, but my phone camera is the best I have xD). [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Magnetized Stegadon with...
Hey all! Here I'll be posting what updates I do with my Seraphon army, and hopefully I will end up with a nice force of star-lizards. Right now...
And into the jungle! Hello everyone, I've been lurking around the forum for a bit now, and I think it's time I introduced myself to the amazing...