Posted this in the 1000 point list post but for reference, these are the current models I own: 1 Gor-rok 1 Eternity Warden 1 Slann 1 Kroak 1 Scar...
For reference, these are the current models I own: 1 Gor-rok 1 Eternity Warden 1 Slann 1 Kroak 1 Scar vet/oracle on trog/carno (not built yet) 1...
Part 2 of my attempts to apply lizard-fu with 0 experience! As mentioned in my Pt. 1 post, I'm going for an Oxyotl themed army at both the 1000...
Alright, my first attempts to apply lizard-fu. I am planning on getting a game in soon on TTS once I've brushed up on the rules a little bit more....
Great question! Well, I have a rough idea of the lists I would like to bring/work on, so I'm working on selling the chunks of the lot above to buy...
Definitely will. I will also be posting a couple lists for people to look at here soon so that'll help :)
So, here goes nothing! I’ve signed up for an 8th edition 2500 point tournament on September 16th-17th of this year and plan to have a fully...
Also, did you 3D print them yourself, or go through a service? Had a 3D printer guy but he fell out on me so I’ve been shopping around for a solid...
Should’ve known it was OPR! Might have to get ahold of those if I don’t get the new Krox’s, or both :D
Maybe I didn't read far enough back, but where did you get those proxies from? They look fantastic!
Thank you all for the warm welcome! :)
As I prefaced over in my introduction, I am getting into 8th. Probably jumping into would be more of an accurate description. I have looked over...
My most "recent" miniatures painted, 3 Wargames Foundry Companion Cavalry. Rather chunky miniatures, but I love the character they have! [ATTACH]
Hello all! I have been a lurker on here on and off the past couple years, and recently decided I'd take the leap. I'm 25 years old and currently...