What an amazing job! Seriously impressed by how good that looks. :D
- Prepare a 1000 point army for the next game day on the 21st- I've had to unfortunately cancel this time round as our usual baby sitters(Oma and...
Nope. There was like 4 other Joshua's in school with red hair all nicknamed "Ginger Josh". So when I made myself an online presence I used "J's"...
It looks incredible and keeps getting better and better :D
Well I planned on taking Soulblight to a game night next week at 1000 points.... Took me a while to come up with a list I was happy with, guess...
Cool! I like it look forward to seeing it painted :D
I really enjoy looking at this scheme of yours and I look forward to seeing the army come together. :D I especially love the gold detail on your...
I plan on repainting some Deathrattle Skellies tonight. Since they were one of my first getting back into the hobby they feel a bit shabby to say...
I also saw something of this though my source is 2nd hand. Somewhere along with the Christmas bundles. Nothing about the dragon.
I'm going to try and update this weekly but no guarantee, it's not like I'm keeping track constantly though I am trying to weigh myself at the...
Goals time :D - Prepare a 1000 point army for the next game day on the 21st - Hopefully make a start on a new army via my Weight loss blog -...
Paint up a 1000 points of Seraphon and base them. Half based mostly pained over all I'm super satisfied. Play a game at a local games shop. I had...
Nice, simply but effective :D and now the paint job :cool::watching: Also I love your Cave Troll. Always loved them from the movies(Also Mordor...
Yep happy :D[ATTACH]
Great to see :D I also look forward to seeing that conversion ;)
Have been working on my Lumineth a little and this is what I have [ATTACH] Keeping the colours mostly grounded with greens and browns I'm quite...
Thank you both :D This is an important part and something that I want to stress. For me I think it's the case of eating less often and smaller...
How the army is built the rules: The first reward point will be at 115kg from then on every 5kg will be the next reward down until 100kg which is...
Hey guy's and welcome to the Blog. This one is a little bit different than a usual painting blog and will cover the journey of birthing a new army...
Well today was game day at my local store and I participated in Warhammering for the first time against somebody other than my wife :D. Eight...