Howdy, welcome to Lustria young one.
Oh I've been working on my Woogity cold one cav, almost got the mount finished... Might take some photos if there is any interest in it.
Perhaps Skaven are unlocked after you beat the game or perhaps through some secret side quest ? Ps. Zombie Pirates... nice. :jimlad:
Well the whole thing did reek of a lawsuit... since they changed the names off all of their products.
hollycrap! why haven't I seen this ? :wideyed: [IMG]
@Xavier ahh right I was 10 kb over... try this one [ATTACH] or this one...[ATTACH]
Did they make new underhive terrain yet ?
NECROMUNDA...?!! where ?
ah here's the other good reference picture was looking for. [IMG]
Might be worth checking some of the non-wargaming hobby stores, sometimes you can find alternate uses for materials sold there.
let me resize that for you.... [ATTACH]
Seems legit... Edit: " if you declare a charge" oops I missed this part, yea add your movement here. the rule the sheet is referring to, is when...
1) somewhat, mostly because of assumptions. 2) yep, in this case WHITE IS WAY BETTER. 3) google some picture of albino reptiles and study them...
Oh when you mentioned yarn I remembered something... Twine is a great material for terrain building... as you can unravel it into smaller strands...