Yea they have versions of unridden dinosaurs for just about everything. (they are the cheaper version, before you get some sort of upgrade)
It's a shame I really like the Sotec Model better. :meh:
.... Dinosaurs eh ...? we might have some of those in stock.... :oldman:
Hmmm..... similar idea.... Except use a nail instead of sprue, and use some epoxy wield instead of plastic glue... Also you may have issues with...
Plastic or metal terradons ? also what part is being glued. ps. if it's the plastic ones, I have an idea... take a bit of longish sprue cut out...
Like a lot of army books there are a lot of recycling of old art, IRC 8th had some colored versions of old black and white art. also, the 7...
of the top of my head.... Sotec, more attacks/offense Quetzel, more defense tzuni water breathing/magic resist sometherguy, more counter spelling...
I'm, just gonna assume it's a spray painted toy gun. :shifty:
.... Also why is the toaster oven in front of the TV.... in the bathroom ?
Looks like my fridge...... :oldman: Except there are edible things in there. :sorry: (Mostly it's NAVY pilots that think it's a bad movie)
<-- Obviously I'm the one doing all the likeing... :sorry:
[IMG] *For painting Reference
[IMG] Then girl scouts certainly are getting more assertive. [IMG]
Well what do you think @The Red Devil ?
Could be worse.... :sorry: [spoiler]